Guided Mindfulness: The Mindful Minute

Remember, prior to beginning this practice, the four points of mindfulness before beginning this practice:

  • Paying attention.
  • On purpose.
  • In the present moment.
  • Without judgement.

This is a simple practice that can be done at any time or moment of the day. It can be done sitting or standing or reclining. It is up to you and when you need it. For the purpose of this practice, you should be sitting comfortably and with no distractions. Counting the breaths are important and offer the foundation for the four points of mindfulness. Once you have a firm number on how many breaths you take in one minute, you can utilize this practice at any time for as long as it is needed whether you need 15 seconds before a meeting, 30 seconds before responding to another, or a 60 second vacation.

Stefani Renee Briggs

Stephanie Briggs (she/her/hers) is the owner of Be.Still.Move. (, a program of creative, arts-based contemplative practices. For seven years, she has provided contemplative practices for AAC&U’s undergraduate STEM programs: Keystroke, TIDES, and Reframing Institutional Transformation for Non-Tenure Track Faculty Institutes. She has created workshops for the USGS, STEM Women of...