Each year, AAC&U provides a unique conference experience for STEM faculty and administrators to deeply reflect on their paths to undergraduate STEM reform breakthroughs, and consider what is needed to navigate the obstacles of an ever-changing landscape in American higher education, and fortify themselves through community connections, knowledge exchanges, and mindfulness practice. AAC&U understands that today’s STEM higher education reformers are called to be in daily resistance to change. And for that, they are deserving of the seven-star professional development experience this conference offers. Here, we highlight and celebrate the indefatigable work of our nation’s STEM reformers, faculty and administrators alike, offer safe spaces for critique and critical feedback, illuminate and decipher the hidden codes of academic life, amplify diverse voices, and foster overall wellbeing.
Project Description: The AAC&U Transforming STEM Higher Education Conference is a national platform that highlights the diverse experiences, perspectives, and achievements of STEM faculty and administrators, including those from historically marginalized groups and institutions. This Conference offers attendees a chance to disseminate curricular innovations in STEM, build community, co-learn new approaches to undergraduate STEM education research and assessment, and explore concepts for leading change in STEM and across all of higher education.