Yolander Youngblood

Yolander Youngblood, PhD is a tenured Associate Professor of Biology at Prairie View A & M University (PV), USA. Dr. Youngblood has over 20 years of experience, where she has made it her priority to work with first-generation and minoritized students. Professor Youngblood has served as an Educator, Researcher, Mentor, and Open Educational Resources (OER) Advocate in her various roles throughout her career. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of STEM Leadership and Broadening Participation (https://www.casl-jslbp.net/). Recent honors include 2023 Project Kaleidoscope STEM Leadership Institute Participant, Academic Director for the Texas Academy of Science (https://www.texasacademyofscience.org/board-of-directors), and 2020 listing as one of 1000 “Inspiring Black Scientists in America” (https://crosstalk.cell.com/blog/1000-inspiring-black-scientists-in-america).

Dr. Youngblood received her BS degree in Biology from the University of Southern Mississippi, USA, her MS degree in Botany from the University of South Florida, USA, and her PhD. in Botany from the University of Florida, USA. She also received a certificate in Academic Leadership in Higher Education from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, USA. Her plant research centers on Amaranthus palmeri and the use of acetic acid as an organic growth inhibitor. She studies and characterizes the structural and cellular responses of leaves to certain environmental conditions. Her research is funded by the National Science Foundation. She has made several scientific presentations and published several manuscripts, micrographs, and peer reviewed articles. Past broadening participation activities include serving as founding Board member of the Georgia Alliance of Minority School Leaders (https://www.gamsl1.org/), founding PURSUE Undergraduate Research Journal (https://digitalcommons.pvamu.edu/pursue/) at PV, creating the Capital Area Biotechnology Partnership (CABP) at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology (HU) and serving as Charter Faculty and Implementing the Biotechnology program at HU.
